RII services many industries throughout North America; primarily, the Document Management Solutions, Finance, Legal & Technology Industries – more specifically:
- Asset Based Lending
- Banking
- Captive Finance & Leasing
- Commercial Finance
- Consumer Finance
- Copier
- Document Management Solutions
- Equipment Finance & Leasing (all asset niches and finance products)
- Factoring
- Healthcare / Medical Finance & Leasing
- IT Services / Solutions
- Legal
- Managed Print Services
- Surveillance Technology
- Technology (hardware / software)
- Telecommunications / Telephony
- Venture Capital / Finance
- RII (and all affiliates) is a recognized, national search firm subscribing to the Equal-Opportunity Practices of the Federal and State Government. We will refer all qualified Candidates without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, disability, or other protected characteristic.
- Candidates are referred to companies in confidence. Candidates have given RII approval to submit their qualifications to a specific Client. RII at times does submit Candidate information to companies / clients anonymously. Anonymously = name, contact, educational and company information is hidden.
- RII does NOT solicit Candidates from active Clients. Active Client = companies/employers who have paid service fees for the past 12-month period, submitted job requisitions within the past 12-month period or has actively interviewed RII’s submitted Candidates within the past 12-month period.
- RII does not provide free services, however, does offer career and staffing advice at no charge.
- RII has the right to choose the Candidates to work with; typically, we work with all Candidates who request our assistance. However, if on the occasion we deem a Candidate to be abusive or displays similar traits, RII has the right to cease correspondence with said Candidate.